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The Cherry Orchard ~ In his masterpiece The Cherry Orchard Chekhov maintains an exquisite balance between elegiac celebration of the romance of the past as embodied in the cherry orchard in full bloom and the awesome prescience of what is so soon to overwhelm Russia revolution
Cherry Orchard Residence ブルガリア ソフィア ~ Cherry Orchard Residence is a villa located in Sofia on an orchard nestled between Vitosha Mountain and the Iskra River Sofia city centre is 11 km away Lake Pancharevo is 2 km away and Business Park Sofia is 4 km away
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The Cherry Orchard The Three Sisters And Uncle Vanya ~ The Cherry Orchard or Vishniovy sad in Russian is Russian playwright Anton Chekhovs last play It premiered at the Moscow Art Theatre 17 January 1904 in a production directed by Constantin Stanislavski
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